We teach the core of Women's Self-Defense in 4 hours with a 100% money-back guarantee
We teach the core of Women's Self-Defense in 4 hours with a 100% money-back guarantee
Individuals gather for instruction in a group environment
We provide workshop instruction at our current location in West Los Angeles/Santa Monica Area - up to 8 people per workshop - Our Condensed Version Workshop is 4 - 50 minute sessions in one afternoon on Saturdays at 2:00 pm.
Bring a friend, family member, or other associate for only $90. Practice Partner means any female you bring with.
Any woman assaulted or abused is provided with our Special Pricing - you pay $80. We have seen and heard of too many women being assaulted. You are the number one reason we started Conscious Defense.
Enough is Enough If you have been abused or assaulted and can not afford to attend our workshops... just email or text us and we will arrange for you to attend one of our workshops for free. Please see our page on Enough
All we ask is for you to "Pay it Forward" and provide us with an honest review of our training.
If you are a mother with a daughter between 12 and 21 you are welcome to attend for $180.
Whenever you need to repeat the course to keep it clear in mind and body. (We suggest our 4-hour workshop session every 6 months.)
Employees or Associates training together
For instruction of up to 6 people, the cost is $600. Each additional person is $60. The (4) 50-minute sessions can be from noon to 9 P.M. We also offer training in 2-hour sessions on two different days of the same week.
Every 12 months we recommend a refresher follow-up session of 4 hours at a cost of one-half the original cost.
Special pricing - 10% off the list price. Non-profits are the organizations in our world that normally move us into making this world a better place and we believe in giving back. Email us at: elliott@wsdcd.com
Instruction at your choice location
Personal instruction in your home or location - 4-hour session (minimum) $250.
Invite others or a training partner(s) and they will each pay $60 per 4-hour session.
Also, additional individual instruction is available until you feel comfortable. (Send email for details.) elliott@wsdcd.com
We recommend a 4-hour follow-up refresher every 12 months after completion of training.
What works for you
We work with all-size groups. Cost depends on the particulars of each situation. We organize a workshop with a group of individuals on an as-needed basis at your location or at ours. Call for special pricing.
We can create a workshop that fulfills your requirements. Email us at:
You let us know what you need to review after taking our workshop.
Practice sessions occur with 5 or more booked to attend. We create blocks of time to practice what you need to practice. Scheduled when enough students are booked. Email us at: elliott@wsdcd.com
If you are not 100% satisfied with the instruction & knowledge gained by attending our workshop - we will refund 100% of your money.